The Advantages of Emergency Contraception in Avoiding Pregnancy

Emergency Contraception in Avoiding Pregnancy
Advantages of Emergency Contraception in Avoiding Pregnancy

The use of emergency contraception helps prevent unintended pregnancies. According to the consultant of the emergency contraception service Isleworth, emergency contraception is required when a couple's sex is not safeguarded or their contraceptive method is disturbed. If a woman's modesty has been violated during a sexual assault, it is also used in certain cases.

The utilisation of emergency contraception services offered by Emergency contraception service Richmond may be necessary due to improper contraceptive use. The sperm may leak during sexual contact due to a condom burst, or the lady may not take her birth control pill on time.

Emergency contraception services Hampton recommends many types of contraception.

Within five days of a woman having sexual activity that might lead to pregnancy, emergency contraception is frequently utilised. There are essentially two sorts of emergency contraception methods: intrauterine devices that are implanted into the uterus and tablets that the woman can take.

Emergency contraception tablet

This pill is to be taken 72 hours after engaging in sexual activity. It prevents or postpones egg release, which prevents fertilisation. They are occasionally referred to as "morning-after pills." They are successful in up to 94% of cases, according to a WHO study. The pill is more effective in preventing pregnancy the sooner it is taken after sexual activity.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Within five days of unprotected sexual intercourse, this device has to be implanted in the uterus. The egg is unable to become fertilised and implant in the womb as a result. The copper-containing IUD alters the sperm and egg chemically, preventing fertilisation. The WHO study found that this method is 99% effective and carries a low risk of infection. For those who have active gonorrhoea, chlamydia infections, or pelvic inflammatory disease, it is not recommended.

Effects of emergency contraception tablets on the body reflected from research held by Emergency contraception service Twickenham and Emergency contraception service Whitton

The use of an emergency contraceptive pill has a few side effects, but they don't seem to be persistent issues. Some people who have taken the pill have mentioned stomach pain, headaches, dizziness, soreness in the breast region, and a general feeling of exhaustion, however not everyone has all of the side effects.

Tablets for emergency contraception may affect the menstrual cycle. After taking the pill, some people may see spotting very immediately, while others may experience more bleeding the following month. It's possible to experience irregular bleeding even before the menstrual cycle starts. Please contact your doctor to rule out any medical concerns if your period is more than 7 days late.

Advantages of emergency contraception

1. EC has the ability to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 days following unprotected intercourse. However, it is most effective tablet for emergency contraception in the first 24 hours.

2. The tablets are offered in a single dosage.

3. Plan B is accessible without a prescription over-the-counter at pharmacies.

4. Depending on the kind, the IUD provides continuous birth control for 6 to 10 years.

STIs are not protected by emergency contraception. Condoms are the most effective technique for sexually active individuals to lower their risk of infection. When having sex, always wear a condom. Get annual physicals that include STI testing.

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