5 Positive Changes you see after quitting smoking

Quit smoking body changes Stop smoking is good for your health and your wallet, but you might not realize how much of a difference it can make to your appearance. Here are five ways quitting smoking can improve your appearance, from wrinkle reduction to better oral health: 1. Smooth Skin Smoking can cause wrinkles to form prematurely not only on your face, but also on other parts of your body, such as your inner arms. This is because cigarette smoke contains chemicals that can harm collagen and elastin, which are the components of your skin that give it a youthful appearance and allow it to bounce back. Furthermore, the nicotine in cigarettes may cause blood vessels to narrow, resulting in less oxygen and nutrients reaching your skin. The good news is that if you quit smoking, you can prevent wrinkles and slow down the aging of your face. 2. Better oral health Yellow teeth is one of the more noticeable side effects of smoking. This occurs because the nicotine and t...