Nicotine Withdrawals: Why Not Smoking is Important to Maintain Good Health

Nicotine Withdrawals: Why Not Smoking is Important to Maintain Good Health
Nicotine Withdrawals: Why Not Smoking is Important to Maintain Good Health

Smoking has many negative effects on your health, for example, increased risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease. As a result, it can lead to an earlier death.

For some people quitting can be harder because of withdrawal symptoms associated with the process. This includes irritability, headaches, and intense nicotine cravings. As such one can easily refer to Stop smoking treatment for professional medical help. Though quitting is a tough job but with a little professional help from Stop Smoking Service Teddington, you can reverse the effect that smoking has on your physical and mental health. 

The key benefits of quitting the rigorous cycle of smoking:

     breaking the addiction cycle

The cycle of addiction is what keeps one hooked on smoking. To stop smoking, one needs to be mentally prepared to go through quite some episodes of relapse. But the mantra is to never give up.

One month of quitting can break the cycle of addiction by bringing back many nicotine receptors in your brain to normal.

     Improvement in taste and smell

Once you quit smoking, the nerve endings in your nose and mouth which initially faced damage due to smoking begins to recover.  Also, the former reduction in the senses of taste and smell begin to recover, just within 48 hours of quitting. The nerve endings regrow giving rise to newer sensitive ones. An overall improvement in the sense of taste and smell is predominantly visible.

     Better circulation

Improvement in your blood circulation is seen within 2 to 12 weeks of quitting smoking. Physical activity becomes way easier and the risk of heart disease is lowered.

     More energy

Improvement in breathing and physical activity along with increased oxygen in your body also gives you more energy.

     Immune booster

Improved circulation, increased oxygen levels, and lowered inflammation is visible. This helps in boosting the immunity system, so it becomes easier to fight against common colds and other illnesses.

     Cleaner teeth and mouth

Smoking is one of the prime reason for the yellowing of teeth. This causes halitosis and increases the chances of oral infections. You’ll begin to see and feel the difference within a week of quitting.

     Lower risk of cancer

Cancer-causing cells won't be provoked any further after one quits smoking. Refer to Stop Smoking Service Twickenham, if you need some professional guidance.


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