Everything You Need to Know About your Contraception Methods

Everything You Need to Know About your Contraception Methods
Everything You Need to Know About your Contraception Methods

Once one gets into physical intimacy, that is when one resorts to sexual intercourse, then there's always a chance of pregnancy. Be a broken condom, or any other birth control failure, there's always a chance of slipping. But in case there is an urgent need to terminate the pregnancy, then there are plenty of birth control methods to avoid the chances of a possible pregnancy. One can always take medical guidance from the Emergency Contraception service Twickenham, to know more about the process of contraception.

Birth control: an introduction and overview

Also called contraception, birth control comes under a variety of options. Whatever floats one's boats. The hormonal methods ensure that there is an interruption in the cycle of the woman releasing an egg hence preventing the whole process of implementation of the egg.

Emergency Contraception

Though there are many available methods when it comes to contraception, one of the most preferred ones is the Emergency Contraception pills.

Sometimes called the Morning After Pill, they are one of the safest ways to prevent pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex.

The process:

A woman gets pregnant when there is sexual intercourse and the man's sperm gets into one of the eggs. Contraception pills help stop pregnancy in the following ways:

     Keeping the sperms away from the egg.

     After the sperm and ovum have fused, its implementation on the lining of the womb is prevented.

     The prevention of egg production.

Hormonal contraceptives in general contain small amounts of human-made estrogen and progestin hormones. These hormones work in unison by inhibiting one's body's natural hormones that in turn helps in preventing pregnancy. The hormonal contraceptive usually halts the body from ovulating. They also cause a shift in the cervical mucus to make it difficult for the sperm to go through its natural route that is via the cervix and find the egg. These pills at times also work by changing the lining of the womb making it unlikely for the fertilized egg to be implanted. For a monitored process of contraception refer to Emergency Contraception service Isleworth.


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