All About Repeat Prescription Services

All About Repeat Prescription Services
All About Repeat Prescription Services

          What is a repeat prescription?

When your doctor prescribes you the same medication for an ongoing basis that you have to take daily, is what the repeat prescription stands for.  Most long-term conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes are treated with the help of Repeat Prescription services.

The repeat prescription is a set of instructions from your doctor that gives you the freedom to save time and issue this prescription in the future without having to have an appointment.

The difference between a normal and a repeat prescription.

Generally, a prescription has a green and a white side. When being given a prescription for a course of medication that lasts for only a short period, such as antibiotics, the medication is written on the green side. This is presented to the pharmacist and the medicine is delivered. When there's the need for medication that is required more than once, then there is the need for a repeat prescription. The medicines are written on the green part of the prescription and the white side can be kept to request future prescriptions from the doctor.

           Benefits of ordering repeat prescriptions online

Life is a tough battle. Make your life easier by ordering the Repeat Prescription Service online. There is no need to book a GP appointment all over again. You not only save money but also save a lot of time. Also having it done online means there are no chances of error whatsoever.

Round the clock pharmacies help you with repeat prescriptions.

If you're too busy during the day, then there are late-night pharmacies like the Late night pharmacy Isleworth or the Late night pharmacy Richmond, that help you take away your drugs via repeat prescriptions hassle-free. You no longer have to wait in long queues during the day to get access to your medication.


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