Emergency Contraception: Types, Function and Side Effects

Emergency Contraception: Types, Function and Side Effects
Emergency Contraception: Types, Function and Side Effects

Emergency contraception pills helps a woman not get pregnant. The reasons for this could be innumerable: forced sex, rape or even something simple as breakage of condom during intercourse.

The difference between Contraception pills and Emergency contraception pills is that, emergency contraceptive pills can be taken to prevent a pregnancy from occurring after “the act” has been done, unlike regular contraception medicines that are taken on a regular basis by most sexually active women.

Types of Emergency contraception

In the UK, the Morning After Pill is available in the form of ellaOne. The other emergency contraceptive pill is called Levonelle. Women can also make use of the IUD or intrauterine device also known as the coil to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

How the Emergency contraception pills function

Usually, it is advised to take the emergency contraceptive pill as soon as possible after the unprotected intercourse or if you have forgotten to eat your regular contraceptive tablet and sex has already taken place. These are effective up to 3 days in case of Levonelle and up to 5 days in case of ellaOne.

Progesterone is the natural hormone produced by the ovaries. Levonorgestrel, present in Levonelle, is the man made version of the same. Consuming this prevents or hinders the production of the egg.

Ulipristal acetate present in ellaOne has the same function of delaying the egg production and prevents the progesterone produced by the ovaries to function properly.

Make sure to remember, and also advice others, that emergency contraception is not interchangeable with the regular contraceptive medicines you take. Levonelle or ellaOne are to be used in case of emergencies only and are not for regular, everyday dosage. You can also get the IUD fitted up to 5 days after the unprotected sex in order to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are considered to be more effective than pills in preventing pregnancies.

Side effects of the Emergency contraception pills

It is possible that after the consumption of the pill you may have an early period and this time it could be more painful than usual. Some women also experience an irregular period or even for more days than usual. In case an IUD is installed, it may be painful, but painkillers can be used to minimize the pain. Some women also experience headache, stomach pain or even vomiting. There is no long term or very serious effects of taking the emergency contraceptives.

Both emergency contraceptive pills work on a one time basis. One needs to continue consuming the regular contraceptive pills in order to prevent future pregnancies that can be caused by unprotected sex. Only IUDs can function both as emergency contraception and regular contraception.

If you are looking for further advice or for medicines to be delivered to you about Emergency contraception service Twickenham, Emergency contraception service Hampton just log in to our website.


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