Emergency contraceptive pill: Benefits and guidelines for taking them

Picture of emergency contraceptive pill
Emergency contraceptive pill: Benefits and guidelines for taking them

Emergency contraceptive pills are a type of method of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy after involvement in unprotected sexual intercourse. That is if intercourse takes place without the use of condom.

Though some pills show effectiveness up until the fifth day, there goes the saying with the morning after pill mostly known as the emergency contraceptive pills is that, the faster they are ingested after the intercourse, the better it is.

Listed below are some major benefits of the emergency contraceptive pills:

     The first and foremost benefit of the emergency contraceptive pill is their ability to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or birth control failures.  Its usage has saved women from the physical and mental trauma of later having to abort a child or having to go through stressful unplanned pregnancies.

     With a 95%+ success rate they are definitely a quite reliable source of dependence for immediate purposes.

     The emergency contraception pill also credits it’s note of success that its main focus is to prevent the actual process of pregnancy before it happens. They work by delaying ovulation while tossing around with the nature of fertilization and implantation. You can also seek professional help through the emergency contraceptive services Isleworth and emergency contraceptive services Whitton.

     The modern-day technology has also made it immensely easy to get access to these pills via the availability of purchasing contraception pills online. If you're nervous then you can also look up to the internet for emergency contraceptive services online to help you ease up and clarify all your doubts.

Though there are different guidelines to certain contraceptive pills, most of them follow a common route that is enlisted below:

     Take the first pill as soon as you have had unprotected intercourse or had some sort of birth control failure.

     The second pills then advised being taken within 12 hours.

     The first dose is generally ad iced to be consumed within 72 hours of unprotected sex. The sooner the better.


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