Does exercise help when trying to Quit smoking?

Does exercise help when trying to quit smoking?
Does exercise help when trying to Quit smoking?


Smoking is a nasty habit but trying to quit smoking is much more difficult than one can realize. People who are struggling with tobacco addictions experience withdrawal symptoms like depression, irritability and have trouble sleeping. Plus, the craving for it is the worst.

It has been reported that exercise reduces withdrawal symptoms related to nicotine addiction. Besides exercise, you can opt for Stop smoking service Twickenham to help you out if you are struggling with withdrawal symptoms or are finding it difficult to quit smoking.

How can exercise help?

A research conducted by Dr Bailey at St. George's University of London (UK) reported that "nicotine-treated mice undertaking 2- or 24-hour day wheel running displayed a withdrawal symptom severity compared with the sedentary group."

Quit smoking now and exercise regularly! Exercise can benefit you in the following ways:

       Exercise helps in diminishing stress levels. Stress triggers both tobacco addiction and overeating.

       It minimizes withdrawal symptoms when you first quit smoking.

       It can increase your self-esteem and can lift your mood.

       It can distract you from the thought of smoking and thereby considerably lower your tobacco cravings.

       Exercise can also help in fighting weight gain and obesity. Weight gain is a common factor when you quit smoking. This is because a chain smoker can burn up to 200 calories per day. So, when you quit smoking, you supposedly gain weight.

       Exercise also increases body awareness.

Guide to start exercising

Stop smoking and start exercising. When you are trying to give up an old habit, you need to fill that gap with something else. Hence, exercise is the best solution. 

       Set a particular time, at which you will exercise regularly.

       Exercise for 30 minutes every day.

       If it is difficult to spend 30 minutes regularly, aim for at least 10 minutes.

      Take a walk and use stairs instead of elevators and escalators. 


Although this evidence is not sufficient to provide a permanent solution, and neither does it consider exercise to be the only solution, it surely is one of the most effective ways. Exercise also has a lot of other health benefits too. Stop smoking service Teddington can help you out with further information.


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