Vaccinations Needed for Colombia Trip

Travelling to a foreign country can be an exciting experience, but one should also be wary of the kind of diseases that are there in the said country. There is a danger of falling ill in these countries, so it is advisable to check the list of vaccinations needed to travel in that country. When travelling to South American countries, like Colombia, which are prone to a host of multiple diseases, it is advisable to consult your doctor on the list of travel immunizations required. Hence, before

List of Vaccinations:
Five vaccinations are required to travel to Colombia. These vaccinations can be availed from various travel clinic services Richmond. Here is the list of treatments:

       Hepatitis A – This disease can be spread through food and water. Hepatitis A vaccinations are recommended for almost all travellers to Colombia.
       Hepatitis B – This disease spreads through blood and body fluids. Hence, there is a risk of having this if you come in contact with someone who has Hepatitis B. There is an accelerated schedule available for this disease which can be availed from any travel clinic.
       Typhoid – This disease is also spread through food and water. Typhoid vaccinations through injections last two years and when orally taken, last up to 4 years. If you are taking it orally, the medicine must be in the refrigerator.
       Yellow Fever – Mosquitos are the leading cause of this disease. This vaccination is required only if you are travelling in areas that are affected by yellow fever. People are going to places higher than 7500ft. Do not expect this vaccination.
       Rabies – The saliva of affected animals causes this. There is a low risk of disease in Colombia, and the vaccination depends on the destination, activities planned and the duration of stay.

These are the travel immunizations required before a trip to Colombia. A Google search on travel clinic near me will guide to places where these vaccinations can be gotten.


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