How Can One Quit Smoking?

Quit Smoking
How Can One Quit Smoking
Smoking is a dangerous addiction which harms you and the ones around you. Deciding to quit smoking is the right decision, but it can be a difficult journey. This is where nhs stop smoking service like Stop smoking service Whitton comes in. These services provide professional help to make quitting smoking easier.

How Can You Quit Smoking?
Here are a list of methods through which you can quit smoking by visiting an nhs stop smoking camp:
   Prepare yourself – Half of the battle against smoking is to prepare yourself to quit. Assign a quit day and on this day make sure you try your best to stay away from cigarettes. Preparing for this day can include telling friends and family about this, discarding ashtrays, cigarettes and anything that reminds you of smoking and asking people not to smoke around you. Staying busy and constant hydration can resist the urge to smoke.

   Nicotine Replacement Therapy – Giving up cigarettes suddenly will leave you unprepared for the sudden urges to smoke. It is advisable to use nicotine replacement therapy in these cases. Products like nicotine patches, gum and lozenges are helpful in quitting smoking in the long run. However, it is always advisable to consult specialists at places like Stop smoking service Whitton before using nicotine.

   Avoid triggers – The consumption of alcohol, coffee breaks, etc. can be triggered, which can urge you to take a drag. It is advisable to replace smoking with another activity when something triggers you. For instance, if coffee breaks trigger you, have tea for a few months. If smoking after a meal triggers you, take a walk or read something so that it distracts you from cigarettes.
  • Exercise – Actively engaging in something can help you deal with craving for nicotine and withdrawal symptoms. Every time you get the urge to smoke, talk a walk or even go jogging. Any physical activity you enjoy can help you resist the urge to smoke. The calorie burn will also help in weight loss and becoming more fit. 
Quitting smoking can be a stressful situation, but it is not impossible. Apart from your own efforts, it is also advisable to seek the support of family and friends and services like Stop smoking services Whitton to make the journey relatively comfortable. 


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