Common Ear Wax Problems and When to Consult a Specialist

Common Issues with Ear Wax and When to See a Specialist Common Ear Wax Problems and When to Consult a Specialist Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by our bodies to protect our ears from dust, foreign particles, and microbial invaders. It's typically a harmless and self-cleaning process. However, sometimes earwax can become a source of discomfort and even lead to more severe issues. In this blog, we will explore common ear wax problems, their symptoms, causes, and when it's crucial to consult a specialist. Understanding Earwax Buildup Earwax buildup, or cerumen impaction, occurs when the ear canal is blocked by an excessive amount of earwax. This condition can cause a range of symptoms and may require professional treatment. Let's delve into the details: Earwax Symptoms: One of the most common symptoms of earwax buildup is a gradual reduction in hearing. You may experience a feeling of fullness in your ear or notice an increase in ear infections. ...