
Showing posts from December, 2020

What are some effective ways of giving up smoking?

What are some effective ways of giving up smoking? For most tobacco users, tobacco cravings that are the strong urge to smoke can be immensely powerful. But you aren't at the mercy of these cravings anymore. Surely the path is tough but not impossible. With the proper Stop Smoking Service Twickenham and their extended help, you can easily quit smoking given that you take part in religiously following the given list of activities:   1. Give a try to the nicotine replacement therapy: An effective part of the Stop SmokingTreatment is the nicotine replacement therapy which has the following set of instructions: ●      Prescription nicotine can be administered via nasal spray or inhaler. ●      Nicotine gums, patches or lozenges can also be consumed. ●      Prescription non-nicotine stop-smoking medications such as bupropion. These medications can help you overcome intense cravings and finally take you a step furt...

Pros and Cons of using a Private GP

Pros and Cons of using a Private GP The excellent and highly applauded healthcare system in the UK is called NHS or the National Health Service. All UK citizens can make full use of these services, which keeps them at ease when it comes to their health and that of their loved ones. Yet, there are people who opt for private doctors. What could be the reason behind this? Is it really advantageous or something the well off do for the sake of their status? Let’s find out. As noticed over the last many years, most people opt for a private GP due to the following advantages: 1) Privacy – most people would like their medical problems to be hidden from the rest of the world and wouldn’t be caught dead seen waiting at the doctor’s office. One advantage of having a private GP is that privacy is a priority. Thanks to the pandemic, the Private Doctor services online have made things even easier. 2) Same doctor every time – when it comes to hiring a private GP, you can be assured that all ...

Emergency Contraception: Expectations vs. Reality

Emergency Contraception: Expectations vs. Reality Emergency contraception pills are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Social workers give them to rape victims. Sex workers consume them on a regular basis. It is also made use of by women in general, especially after having unprotected intercourse. In the UK, the Morning after Pill is sold under the names ellaOne or Levonelle. This is the most common method of contraception. The other method is using a coil or a IUD - intrauterine device – which is a “T” shaped device made of copper and plastic and is installed in the womb, preventing the egg to be fertilised or implanted in the womb, thereby preventing pregnancy. When it comes to taking emergency Contraception pills , the sooner they are taken post the act, the better the results. However, Levonelle works up to 3 days and ellaOne up to 5. One needs to remember that these are emergency forms of contraception and are not intended to be used as a regular contraception drug. Inform ...

Why late night pharmacy is beneficial in Covid-19?

Why late night pharmacy is beneficial in Covid-19? Covid-19 is a terrible, life threatening disease that still has no vaccine or any cure. About 1.4 million people and counting, across the world have lost their lives to corona. During such uncertain times, where no one knows how or when they can catch a whiff of the virus and become infected, pharmacies have played a life-saving role, world over. There are a number of advantages to having medicines delivered right at your home: 1) During a pandemic, people are advised to stay at home. Pharmacy workers are critical resources that keep their safety at stake and have the medicines delivered to you taking all the necessary precautions 2) Late night delivery of medicines is a huge blessing especially for those who are terminally ill, bedridden or very old. 3) In crisis situation like Covid-19, which is a novel disease, one can never be enough prepared as the symptoms vary from person to person and there is no telling what a patien...

How to choose a private doctor online

How to choose a private doctor online Many factors have contributed to the meteoric rise of the search for private doctor services online in the UK. From lack of timing due to excessive work commitments to having to travel long distances; many reasons promote the need for digital consultation of a physician. There's a sea of online consultation available which makes it all the while more important to choose wisely. Search for a private doctor Richmond and get results for the best available doctors for consultation.   Given below are some steps that can help you choose the perfect doctor online: ●      Choose the right specialty doctor: The cause of trouble and discomfort is the main topic of concentration while choosing the right specialist. It's important that from a plethora of chosen specialists in a variety of fields, the one that concerns you is chosen. ●      Check-in with regards to the online experience of the doctor. Thou...