What is GP services and its scope in UK?

What is GP services and its scope in UK? General practitioners (GP) are the professionals who are capable of treating general medical conditions and have the specialization to refer patients to hospitals and other upgraded medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining the physical, psychological, and social aspects. GPs in the UK can register new patients even from outside of their practice boundary. However, as best practice, each GP treats its patients belonging to that area. For example, you can run a quick search to find: “ Private GP Service Isleworth ” , “ Private doctor service Twickenham “ or “ Private doctor service Richmond ” to find the GP practices around your location. An insight into the nature of their work: General practitioners have an iconic role to play in the lives of a community in which they belong to. GPs are commonly found in UK, Ireland and a few other commonwealth countries. From promoting...