Tips to quit smoking

Smoking is a bad habit and we all know that. Smoking not only affects your health but also people around you. Many people try to quit smoking but fail because most of the times, the decision is not well planned. Also, people who quit cold turkey have higher chances of failure than the ones who take help from stop smoking service. So how should you quit smoking? Read below self-help tips that will help you quit smoking gradually and never look back! 1. Make a real plan to stop smoking: Fix a date and stick to it. Sticking to the 'not a drag' rule can help. Whenever you find yourself wavering from the promise you made to yourself, say this aloud "I will not have even a single drag" and stick with this until these cravings pass. Plan ahead for times where resisting smoking might be difficult - a party for instance - and devise your actions and escape routes in advance. 2. Ask for help: Addictions are linked to overwhelming emotions. Sometimes it is dif...